Page 20 - SA Mountain Issue 62
P. 20

Leopards of the Cederberg
through the eyes of a Cape Leopard Trust Environmental Educator
conservation organisation which focuses The project expanded since then, and we
on the importance of leopard research and environmental education in order to raise awareness and continue the protection of the species. The Trust was started in 2004 by Dr Quinton Martins, who surveyed parts of the Cederberg to establish a baseline study of the leopard populations in this area. Today we have various ongoing projects in different areas in the Cape, including the Boland area and the Cederberg.
now have a Cape Town-based programme running alongside the work that we do in the Cederberg. The education project hosts between 4000 and 5000 children and adults per year through its activities, including camps in the Cederberg, outings, presentations, eco-clubs and holiday programmes, all subsidised by the Trust.
In the education programme, we cover many topics related to conservation. It is important that we not only teach, but that we allow for those very important connections to take place through seeing, hearing and feeling nature, as well as through interactive learning. Nature almost does our job for us. We are able to take people into nature, share knowledge, and the beauty and magic of naturedoestherest.
In addition to the research projects, the CLT has an environmental education programme, which began in 2009 when Elizabeth Martins took it upon herself to create a Cederberg-based environmental education programme. This enabled
When it comes to environmental education, we often ask ourselves why it is necessary. One of our goals is to help children reconnect with the natural world by fostering a greater respect and sense of caring for the environment, wildlife and also for each other. Our wish is to see greater citizen participation, inspiring a natural
TMax (M6) patrolling his territory past the Mied se Kop camera with the sun rising behind Tafelberg.
he Cape Leopard Trust (CLT) is youngsters and adults to come together an NGO and NPO based in Cape in a beautiful wilderness setting to learn Town. It is an active predator and experience the wonders of nature.
change in behaviour that ultimately leads to meaningful conservation action. The CLT’s focus on environmental education in the wider community builds the necessary bridges between landowners, farm workers and residents living on the urban fringe. This encourages collective responsibility for the respect and protection of their natural surroundings and the biodiversity in their immediate area.

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