Page 45 - SA Mountain Issue 62
P. 45

Pilates & Beyond. . .
BalanCe • Coordination agility • FlexiBility • Breath
Pilates is a full body workout that uses complex movement patterns to strengthen and lengthen antagonistic muscle groups. Controlled breathing is the main focus while maintaining core stability. Improving strength, coordination and joint mobility ensures better posture and control, all of which is needed to perform at your best.
A challenging workout in a spacious airy studio that will leave you feeling invigorated and yet relaxed at the same time.
1. Begin by lying on your belly with your chin resting on the back of your hands or forearms. Position your legs a little wider than your hips.
2. Release any tension through your jaw, 6. shoulders, hips, back, legs.
3. Become aware of your breathing: feel your lower belly lightly press into the  oor as you inhale, and lift away slightly as you exhale. Let these movements become deep and rhythmic.
4. After some time, move your attention to your lower rib cage. Notice the lower ribs expand laterally with the expansion of your belly as you inhale and contract with the belly as you exhale.
5. Then, shift your attention to your lower back and notice that your lower back rises with your
inhale and falls with your exhale. Allow your lower back to soften so your breath can continue to  ow without resistance.
When you’re comfortable with this breathing and want to go deeper, at the end of your exhale, lift your belly off the  oor pulling your belly button gently in towards your spine.
As you inhale let your belly and lower back naturally expand and feel the belly press more  rmly into the  oor. Be attentive and make sure no stress or tension enters your body. Keep the breath smooth and relaxed.
7. Continue your diaphragmatic breathing for 3–5 minutes, and when you’re ready, slowly return to your natural breath.
1. Bring your hands underneath your shoulders and press up into a tabletop position.
2. Align your hands under your shoulders and knees under your hips, with your feet the same width apart as your knees.
3. Inhale and come into Cow pose: open your belly towards the  oor, feeling your shoulder blades roll down towards your hips, and your sitting bones rise towards the ceiling. At the same time, take your right knee off the  oor to reach your toes towards the back of your head.
4. Exhale and roll into your Cat pose: round out your upper back, feeling your upper back broaden. At the same time, bring your knee under your chest, squeezing it up towards your
rib cage and maybe touch your nose to your knee. Pull your belly button in towards your spine and lower ribs towards the back of your chest.
5. Inhale to come back to centre, extending your right leg behind you and extending your left arm out in front.
6. Exhale and slowly rotate your right leg out to the right and left arm out to the left.
7. Inhale to come back to centre with right leg and left arm extended.
8. Exhale to return to tabletop position.
9. Repeat the other side.
10. 4–6 repetitions (even number each side).
For more information on class schedule and fees
C 083 300 1241
Sa MoUntain SpeCial oFFer Bring a buddy and only pay for 1 person on our Orientation Package. Halving the cost and doubling the rewards!

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