Austria’s world renowned boulderer, Bern Zangerl, will be giving a presentation on bouldering around the world and will also be screening his internationally acclaimed movie “Shangri-La” – bouldering in the Indian Himilaya (first time ever shown in South Africa).
[su_youtube url=””]
Zangerl, has been at the forefront of hard bouldering for several decades and during his travels and climbing in some of the most beautiful and enchanting wilderness areas, has put up many of the hardest and most demanding boulder problems on the planet.
His bouldering achievements are legendary and far to many to list here, but here is a short summary.
- More than 700 first ascents all over the world
- Explored new areas in South America, South Africa, China and Norway
- Currently developing a new boulder-playground in the Indian Himalaya
- Some highlights
- Dreamtime, fb.8c (8b+), 2nd ascent, 2001
- Entlinge, fb.8c, 2nd ascent, 2009
- From the dirt grows the flower, fb.8c, 2nd ascent, 2009
- Die Versorgungslinie, FA, 8c?, 2015
- Shantaram, FA, 8c?, 2013
- Extra long – Extra strong, FA, 8b+, 2012
- Godless heavy blanket, FA, 8b+, 2012
- New Base Line, fb.8c (8b+), 1st ascent, 2002
- Viva La Evolution, fb.8c, 1st ascent, 2002
- Memento, (8b+), 1st ascent, 2005
- Anam Cara, fb.8c, 1st ascent, 2007
- Fauler Willi, fb.8b+, 2nd ascent, 2008
- Moissty Maissy, fb.8b+, 2nd ascent, 2004
- Cour de Leon, fb.8b+, 2nd ascent, 2005
MCSA clubhouse, Wednesday 14 June 7pm. R50 cover charge.
Free posters while stocks last.